What comes to your mind when you read Principal Security Architect at AWS?
If you pictured one of the most humble people you’ll ever meet in your life, who lives and works from his car, a home which he built by himself - you can stop reading now.
When I was in school, I used to write poems. The poems generally were just a lot of rhyming lines put together without much of an agenda, posibly to impress people around me 😀.
Many of us have an idol in life that we look up to. A Scientist, a teacher, a sportsman or even one of your parents could be the icon you want to be like when you grow up.
Corroboaration - confirmation. Evidence which confirms a statement.
When you provide advice to someone - it can go one of two ways
They are relieved with your advice - happy outcome They are reluctant and withdrawn with your advice - sad outcome These are hardly the outcomes for an advice.
"How will you explain a computer virus to an 80 year old lady?"
this was one of the first interview questions I was asked when I was looking for my first job - as a fresher out of the engineering college.
We have a very intimate relationship with our smartphones. Now a days, we watch what is happening in front of us through our phones. I always wonder why we do that?
Human beings are social animals. We live in a pack or a group. Family, friends, work colleagues, gym buddies - so many small packs!
Being part of a pack, group or a tribe needs one to get acceptance from the rest of the members.
We form our opinions based on the information provided to us. Our parents, teachers in early years are the information sources. And we keep getting
That’s bad - don’t do it